In-Office Dental Plan
As a dentist, you might be used to explaining the importance of a particular procedure to a patient only to have them turn it down. Why? Oftentimes, concerns regarding financing and payment are the reasons behind dismissal. What if your practice could turn these rejections into case acceptance?
The Private Dental Plan™ can change the way you present cases to patients. With The Private Dental Plan™, your practice is in control regarding financing. You will have your patients’ attention when they hear there is another way to pay for treatment without going through complicated insurance company policies. With an in-office dental plan, your patients will think twice before turning down a treatment or procedure they need.
By offering an in-office plan, you can build patient loyalty. The benefits to patients will make it worthwhile to continue to choose your practice for dental care. They will also have extra motivation to schedule hygiene appointments. Patient retention can be improved once they see the high standard of care you and your team provide – they just need a chance to experience that level of care before turning it down.
The Private Dental Plan™can allow you to provide the quality treatments your patients require. You’ll feel that sense of fulfillment in your career again knowing that you are helping patients have access to the care they need.
If you are ready to offer your patients an exciting alternative to costly, complicated dental benefit plans, contact us today.
PO Box 24273
Overland Park, KS 66283